Blogging, Hope, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #73

Life can be very overwhelming at times. It can be difficult to face the future with optimism. It's easy to feel like the entire universe is against you. Take a deep breath, relax your mind, and believe that it will be okay. You're strong and resilient enough to make it through anything life sends your way. You have the power to craft the bright future you've been wanting for yourself. The world isn't working against you, and even when you feel alone, there will always be other people thinking of you. You've got this. And things will be okay. Just believe.

Dark, Emotions, Freestyle, Hope, Inspiration, Poetry, Relationships, Writing


That same hand, Holding me back, Forcing me down, For all these years Our fingers entwined, Binding me for life No longer, I refuse

Emotions, Freestyle, Hope, Inspiration, Motivational, Poetry, Writing

The Quiet One

Always the quiet one, the one who stays silent I'll continue to be quiet, not saying a word, Never calling your behavior out But, I'll write it down, make a note, create a mark For every time I've been disappointed, wronged, or hurt I won't let it out, but I won't forgive or forget Stored in my mind, chained in my chest