Blogging, Emotions, Health, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity, Relationships, Self Care

Monday Motivation #94

Just know that you don't have to put up with others treating you poorly or taking advantage of your kindness. It may not seem like it right now, but with both platonic and romantic relationships, there are people out there who will treat you right. There's never just one option for a friend, partner, or acquaintance. So, if there are people in your life consistently making you experience negative emotions/thoughts, distance yourself from them and move on to better things.

Blogging, Emotions, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #92

Know that your feelings are completely valid, always. Your emotions are your own, and they're important because they're important to you. You have the right to feel whatever emotions you feel at any given time. And you're not wrong for feeling a certain way.

Dark, Emotions, Freestyle, Poetry, Writing

Two Halves

In the depths of my soul, There are two separate halves, Forcibly colliding and blending Into a jumbled, crumbling mess