Cute, Fall/Autumn, Freestyle, Nature, Poetry, Seasons, Writing

Apple Orchard

A subtle scent winds through the soft breeze, Carrying slight sweetness and the crispness of fresh autumn apples Gingerly, I pluck one from an outstretched branch, Feeling its cold, smooth skin in my little hands

Blogging, Health, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity, Self Care

Monday Motivation #98

Most of us are tied to devices like phones and computers on a daily basis. However, it's perfectly okay to feel burnt out on such technology. From time to time, we need to disconnect from electronics to experience life outside of them and recharge. Never feel bad for taking a break from being on social media or staying offline for a while. Doing so is vital for your overall health and well-being.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Fall/Autumn, Feline Friday, Halloween, Holidays, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #94 – A Halloween Themed Candy Shop for Kitties!

If you've been following along with my Feline Friday posts for a while now, you may have read about the taco truck scratcher house I got for my cats recently. Sadly, the taco truck hit hard times and ended up crumbling into ruin. Shortly after that, Halloween themed scratcher houses started to appear on the websites and in the stores of various retailers. Being a huge fan of Halloween myself, I immediately began looking through these for a scratcher house to replace the taco truck one. In the end, I chose this incredibly cute Halloween candy shop themed house!

Blogging, Inspiration, Kindness, Love, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #97

Remember that you're never truly alone. There are people in the world who understand what you're going through and can relate. There are people who care about your well-being and want to make sure you're okay. There are so many wonderful people in this world, ones who will always be there for you.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Fall/Autumn, Feline Friday, Halloween, Holidays, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #93 – All the Adorable Kitty Costumes!

In recent months, I've realized just how much the selection of pet costumes has expanded over the years. There was a time my family could barely find any costumes for our kitties, and even when we could, there was so little to choose from. These days, most retailers have numerous costumes and accessories you can buy for your precious fur babies. I've seen sombreros, pumpkin caps, bat wings, robot costumes, vampire capes, and much more.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Halloween, Holidays, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #92 – Cute Pumpkin Kitties!

I always celebrate my favorite holiday/season of the year by buying carts of spooky decorations and binging all the scary movies I can. This Halloween spirit even extends to my precious kitties. And this year, my family decided to get a cute little costume for them to wear!

Blogging, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #96

Every day is a new adventure, full of new and amazing things to discover. So get out there and search for them. Broaden your horizons and explore as much of life as you possibly can. 

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #91 – Karma in the Spotlight!

Although his immense swag may not be clear from pictures I've previously shared, Karma certainly is a handsome kitty. Today, I'm going to be sharing some adorable pictures I recently snapped of him. That way, you can see Karma in all his cute, handsome glory!

Blogging, Feline Friday, Monday Motivation, Schedule, Updates

Blog Update – Feline Friday Posts & My Schedule Going Forward

Hi, I hope you're all doing well and staying safe! I just wanted to share a quick update with you about the recent lack of Feline Friday posts, my blog schedule going forward, and a couple other things.

Blogging, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #95

Remember to enjoy each and every day to the fullest. Our time here is limited, and we never know when that time might end. So, do the things you love, spend time with the people you love, and lead a life that makes you truly happy.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #90 – The Taco Truck Has Hit Hard Times!?

If you've been following along with my Feline Friday posts, you may recall I bought an adorable taco truck scratcher house a few weeks ago. You may also remember it still being in fairly good condition then. Well, that's no longer quite the case! 😅 As I like to explain it, the taco truck has hit a bit of a rough patch recently, and the fish tacos just haven't been selling as well. That's the type of thing that'll happen with four kitties using it, though! 

Blogging, Emotions, Health, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity, Relationships, Self Care

Monday Motivation #94

Just know that you don't have to put up with others treating you poorly or taking advantage of your kindness. It may not seem like it right now, but with both platonic and romantic relationships, there are people out there who will treat you right. There's never just one option for a friend, partner, or acquaintance. So, if there are people in your life consistently making you experience negative emotions/thoughts, distance yourself from them and move on to better things.

Blogging, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity, Talent

Monday Motivation #93

It's easy to become discouraged seeing other people who can create art, play sports, make music, cook, and do a variety of other activities so well. You may feel as if you don't measure up or have a special talent like they do. However, you're brimming with certain talent and limitless potential. You just need to find the talents and skills that are right for you.

Blogging, Emotions, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #92

Know that your feelings are completely valid, always. Your emotions are your own, and they're important because they're important to you. You have the right to feel whatever emotions you feel at any given time. And you're not wrong for feeling a certain way.

Dark, Emotions, Freestyle, Poetry, Writing

Two Halves

In the depths of my soul, There are two separate halves, Forcibly colliding and blending Into a jumbled, crumbling mess

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures, Relationships

Feline Friday #89 – Two Cute Grooming Kitty Bros!

Two of my kitties, Karma and Kash, are brothers, so they've always been fairly close and enjoy being around one another. Being siblings from the same litter, they also happen to look out for each other. This includes making sure the other cat is well groomed and clean. If Karma gets anywhere near Kash, he almost always takes it as an invitation to start grooming his brother. It's easily one of the cutest and most endearing things I've ever seen.

Blogging, Inspiration, Kindness, Love, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #91

You are not broken, and you don't need to be fixed. You're wonderful just the way you are. You are worthy of love and kindness. Remember that you don't need to change who you are to suit others. Be who you are.

Freestyle, Holidays, Inspiration, Motivational, New Year's, Poetry, Special Occasions, Writing

Joy in Independence

Since today marks the beginning of a new year, I thought this would be a good poem to mark the occasion. Happy New Year, everyone!

Beauty, Freestyle, Nature, Poetry, Writing


I dash throughout the field of grass, Emerald blades tickling my bare legs My brothers follow after, All of us laughing and playing together A picturesque summer day

Cute, Emotions, Freestyle, Love, Poetry, Relationships, Writing


I swore I could see the moon, Majestic and beautiful, Reflected in your hazel eyes At that moment, I wanted nothing more Than to fall into the moon, Drowning in its lunar embrace

Blogging, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #90

It's inevitable that certain aspects of life will change over time, but we don't have to change how we tackle life. Remember to smile, try to laugh as much as possible, seek out the little joys in life, no matter how small, and always try to have fun. There are many parts of life that aren't fun or joyful, parts that challenge us. However, we can still revel in the positive experiences we have and make the most out of our time here.

Emotions, Freestyle, Inner Thoughts, Poetry, Writing

Breathing an Inferno

Page after page fills, a manifestation of the intrusive words Keeping me awake at night, nudging me to finally speak up Ever so gently, their blazing heat embraces my soul, urging me on My fingers caress the sea of flames, breathing an inferno to life

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #88 – A Cute Taco Truck for Cute Kitties!

We haven't had it long, but the cats already seem to love it and spend lots of time lounging in their little truck (making yummy fish tacos for their kitty friends, I like to imagine).

Freestyle, Inner Thoughts, Poetry, Tranquility, Writing

Sanctuary of Silence

In the solitude of night Where my sanctuary resides, Silence is the only companion

Blogging, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #89

No matter what other people say or do, your inner brilliance can never be diminished. You are always shining, constantly casting light onto others. You being here does make a difference in the world, as you brighten it with your mere presence. Never stop shining. Never stop being your amazing self.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #87 – A Poem for the Lazy Cat Days of Summer!

In my opinion, hot or rainy summer days are perfect for staying at home and relaxing indoors. So, for today's Feline Friday post, I'd like to share a poem I wrote about lazy days spent cuddling with my kitties.

Blogging, Inspiration, Kindness, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #88

Always try to empathize with others and make a genuine effort to understand their situation. You never know what another person may have going on in their life, what they might be dealing with. And you may not truly be able to understand until you get to know them better or experience their situation yourself. But, that's why rather than pass judgement on others, we should treat them with kindness and understanding instead. Show them tolerance and acceptance.

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #86 – Look at This Cute Kashy Boy!

For today's Feline Friday post, I wanted to share a few recent pictures of Kash. He's just so cute, floofy, and photogenic!

Blogging, Friendship, Gratitude, Inspiration, Monday Motivation, Motivational, Positivity

Monday Motivation #87

Throughout our lives, we go through many different friendships, some of them long lasting, and others not. Of course, this is perfectly normal, and it's inevitable that not every friendship will continue. But, it's all the more reason to hold onto the true, lasting friends we have and treasure them. Make sure they know you love and appreciate them. Be grateful to have these friends in your life and convey that gratitude to them every chance you get.

Freestyle, Poetry, Writing

Mind Block

I try to force the thoughts together, Hoping they'll form a cohesive metaphor It's all for naught, My mind suffering a drought Whatever stories I have inside, Simply refuse to come to life

Animals, Blogging, Cats, Cute, Feline Friday, Pets, Pictures

Feline Friday #85 – Karma, the King of Cuteness!

Today, I'm going to keep Feline Friday as chill as possible and just share a few recent pictures of Karma! I took these pictures the other day, while he was lounging on top of the kitty tower and reveling in the warm sunlight. And I knew I had to share these pictures with all of you, because Karma is absolutely adorable in them (of course, he's always cute, though)!

Fantasy, Freestyle, Nature, Poetry, Writing

Memories of Myth

Deep within a forest Lined with crimson trees, There lies a deep cave Stretching for miles and miles, Lit from the glow of gentle crystals, It goes on and on