Birthdays, Blogging, Gratitude, Lifestyle, Special Occasions, Thank You

How Am I 24 Years Old Now!?

I am 24 years old today! It's kind of hard to believe I'm at another birthday again, because the passage of time over this past year has been so wonky. That said, I'm very grateful to have made it through what was an incredibly harrowing, fearful year for many of us.

Birthdays, Blogging, Gratitude, Kindness, Thank You

Thank You for the Birthday Wishes!

I just want to thank you for all the birthday wishes I received last week! I got such kind, considerate messages, and they helped make my day even brighter. I truly appreciate all the kind words.

About Me, Birthdays, Blogging, Family, Special Occasions

I’m 23 Years Old Today!

Well, I'm 23 years old today! I'm grateful just to be alive right now. And I'm looking forward to having a nice, relaxing day at home with my family! I'm hoping to do some activities I enjoy too, like reading and playing video games. However the day goes, I'm just happy to be here with my family and friends.